Thursday 18 September 2008

Ny sele

Matte har tröttnat på att jag drar så mycket när vi är ute och går och shoppade därför en ny sele till mig. Hon fick tipset på en av sina favorit TV-program Rachael Ray från USA som köpt en likadan sele till sin lite bråkiga PittBull. I ärlighetens namn ha rinte matte varit ute och gått med mig så många gårnger sedan än så länge är hon mycket nöjd med köpet.
The Gentle Leader Easy Walk Harness from Premier will instantly, painlessly and effectively make leash walking more pleasant and safe for both you and your dog.
The Easy Walk Harness leash connection ring is located on the center of the chest strap. When your dog pulls on the leash, he will be guided back towards you which will naturally and gently discourage him from pulling.
Leash attachment at the chest also prevents pressure over your dog’s throat and neck which is especially important for toy breeds that can be susceptible to tracheal damage.
Features unique to the Easy Walk front-attachment harness:
Chest loop closure helps prevent gapping and shifting and makes the harness more effective.
The complementary color of the belly strap makes it easy to identify each strap.
A quick-snap buckle is provided on both the shoulder and belly straps to make it easier to get the harness on and off your dog.

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